The Bright (& Glittery) Side: June 2016

Traveler's Notebook Debut!

8:30 AM
CRAFTING IS A HABIT   I want not for another creative outlet, yet here we are... I just cannot help myself when in comes to these things! Recently I picked up the idea of starting a Traveler's Notebook. The whole idea is that you take the tiny notebook with you exploring, or just on daily adventures, and jot down the happenings. Once you...


Cinnamon Toast Muffies (Warning: Not GF DF)

8:00 AM
BECAUSE PAULA KNOWS COMFORT FOOD It's no secret that I love baking, especially when it is for other people. I whipped up these delicious Cinnamon Toast Muffins for a Brunch date the other day that I had with one of my fave gals where we got to catch up on life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness.... Well, more like a bunch of...


Happy National Bestie Day!

9:02 AM
NATIONAL BEST FRIEND DAY Here is a quick look at the #bestiebox I sent to my best this week to celebrate such a fun holiday! We have sent this same box back and forth for 5 years now. It has been from CA to FL to GA so many times I can't even count! When both yours and your bestie's love language is...


Flower and Garden Festival

8:00 AM
EPCOT I love making little to do lists before heading to Disney for the day! It gives you tangible goals and also a super cute (and cheap) souvenir from the day. This one I watercolored using my favorite pallete which I will link below and a few colored pencils.   There can not possibly be anything prettier than vivid fresh flowers. Epcot's gardeners...


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