CRAFTING IS A HABIT I want not for another creative outlet, yet here we are... I just cannot help myself when in comes to these things! Recently I picked up the idea of starting a Traveler's Notebook. The whole idea is that you take the tiny notebook with you exploring, or just on daily adventures, and jot down the happenings. Once you...
BECAUSE PAULA KNOWS COMFORT FOOD It's no secret that I love baking, especially when it is for other people. I whipped up these delicious Cinnamon Toast Muffins for a Brunch date the other day that I had with one of my fave gals where we got to catch up on life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness.... Well, more like a bunch of...
NATIONAL BEST FRIEND DAY Here is a quick look at the #bestiebox I sent to my best this week to celebrate such a fun holiday! We have sent this same box back and forth for 5 years now. It has been from CA to FL to GA so many times I can't even count! When both yours and your bestie's love language is...
EPCOT I love making little to do lists before heading to Disney for the day! It gives you tangible goals and also a super cute (and cheap) souvenir from the day. This one I watercolored using my favorite pallete which I will link below and a few colored pencils. There can not possibly be anything prettier than vivid fresh flowers. Epcot's gardeners...